How To Build Systems and Processes That Will Support Your Growing Business

Sep 3, 2021 | Listen

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  • How To Build Systems and Processes That Will Support Your Growing Business
How To Build Systems and Processes That Will Support Your Growing Business

Systems and processes are essential as your business grows.

They can help you expand capacity quickly when needed so that you remain flexible, efficient, and profitable in the long term. Not only do they keep your operations organized, but they also directly affect your bottom line.

Today, my guests, Meagan Ruppert & Athena Quinones, owners of Scale Business Consulting, and I will reveal how your systems and processes are vital to scaling your business sustainably.

Timestamps for this week’s episode

  • 02:45 What is the difference between scaling and growing a business?

  • 04:35 What are some common mistakes companies make when trying to scale and grow?

  • 07:23 Sustainable Infrastructure: What does it mean, and what does it look like?

  • 11:15 Who does / Who should come up with the business systems and processes?

  • 13:18 What are Visionaries and Integrators?

What is the difference between scaling and growing a business?

Over the last few years, many have mixed the two terms up since both are technically concerned about expanding the business.

Even if you have a plan and method for growing your business, it can grow positively as well as negatively. Negatively because a growing business doesn’t always mean that you’re having a profit or that you’ll be able to sustain what you do for the future longevity of your business. Growth can also be temporary. When scaling your business, however, you’re doing it sustainably. You’re looking at long-term and repeatable practices – and eventually, systems and processes.

“Growth doesn’t always mean profit. It doesn’t mean you can stay in business longer. It could mean quite the opposite if you’re not careful.” – Athena Quinones

What are some common mistakes businesses make when trying to scale and grow?

There might be a few, but the biggest would include:

  • Thinking scaling means increased sales and marketing efforts.
  • Placing all efforts on getting more clients but not building a sustainable business.
  • Making little or no preparations such as building a team or putting systems & processes in place – and not being able to fulfill the influx of new sales.
Trust in the process. Trust yourself, trust your gut, trust that the people that you're putting into the position are going to do the right thing.

Sustainable Infrastructure: What does it mean, and what does it look like?

The infrastructure of your business (your systems and processes) serves as the foundation of your business. For your systems and processes to be sustainable, they must be.

  • Repeatable
  • Simple and teachable

Who does / Who should come up with your systems and processes?

Your systems and processes are integral to your business you don’t want to get them wrong.

If systems and processes are your expertise, you are the best person to build them out for your own business. But if not, find someone that is great at it. Get experts or coaches that can provide that service for your business to help you.

“Just because you own a business and you have employees, that doesn’t equal a good leader. A good leader comes through experience; a good leader comes through listening.” – Meagan Ruppert

What are Visionaries and Integrators?

A visionary builds all the wonderful big visions for your business.


  • come up with a lot of ideas, including different ways to serve clients or to market programs and more
  • have that big-picture mindset

An integrator draws out the plans that make this vision become a reality.


  • implement strategies and put them in place
  • build your systems & processes
  • help in hiring and manage a team
  • can evaluate the “vision” – if it’s a good or bad choice, whether financially it’s a wise decision or not, or something to hold off for a later time.
  • usually act as the sounding board to the visionary.
Being a micromanager doesn't help you or them (your employees). All it does is create confusion and conflict.

The Next Actionable Step to Take When Building Systems and Processes in Your Business

  • Build a business plan (if you don’t have one yet) or review your existing one

When was the last time you checked your business plan? Set a date every quarter to make revisions and to make sure you’re on target.

  • Build & focus on your strategy for the next three years

Think about the growth of your business and everything and everyone it’s going to take to get you there.

  • Simplify!

Check how you can simplify your business plan. Avoid the culture of overcomplication and find ways to cut the time it takes for you to get in front of your market and make a sale.

Getting started with systems and processes

For your business to scale up effectively and sustain your growth, you need to have systems and processes in place to support you.

  • Recognize the differences between growing your business and scaling it.
  • While sales and marketing are essential, it is just as vital to build a team and put systems and processes in your business to meet the operational demands of increased customers.
  • Your systems and processes should be repeatable, teachable, and straightforward to ensure that your business is in it for the long haul. They should also be able to identify both threats and opportunities to your growth.
  • Determine if you are a visionary or an integrator and get help from experts or coaches when it’s time to set up the systems and processes of your business, especially if it is not your expertise.
  • Finally, regularly revisit, review, and revise your business plan to stay on target.


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About guests – Meagan Ruppert & Athena Quinones:

Co-Owners of Scale Business Consulting

Megan & Athena co-own SCALE Business Consulting which helps female coaches build empires with the delegation, systems, & simple strategies they need to uplevel to true CEOs.They have a combined 26 years in entrepreneurship, business development, marketing, sales, and the coaching industry.



About host – Kathy Svetina

Kathy Svetina is a Fractional CFO for growing small businesses with $10M+ in annual revenue.

Clients hire her when they’re unsure about what’s going on in their finances, are stressed out by making financial decisions, or need to structure their finances to keep up with their growth.

She solves their nagging money mysteries and builds a financial structure with a tailored financial strategy. That way they can grow in a financially healthy and sustainable way.

Kathy is based in Chicago, IL and works with clients all over the US.

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